Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Seastar Stitches

I've been getting asked why I don't sell that amazing 3D Mascara anymore. Last October my husband got sick, very sick....we could of lost him, and he was in the hospital for almost a whole month.

At the time I was working my Younique biz, Seastar Stitches (my crochet/sewing) biz while being a stay at home mom to a 3 and 5 year old. I just couldn't do all of it, so I made the decision to drop a biz.

As much as I LOVE Younique and all of their products, my passion is creating. I still use the mascara, and I keep getting messages from clients asking where to buy it still. I've been sending everyone to my friend Haley at

Seastar Stitches Etsy Shop

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StarfishSea on Pinterest

MermaidsNLattes on Deviantart

SeastarStitches on Goodreads

StarfishSea on Ravelry