Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Younique is Cruelty Free

  Why do cosmetic companies still test on animals? They aren't required by the FDA to do so. Typically, animal tests for cosmetics include skin and eye irritation tests, where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of rabbits; repeated oral force-feeding studies lasting weeks or months to look for signs of general illness or specific health issues, such as cancer or birth defects; and even widely condemned “lethal dose” tests, in which animals are forced to swallow massive amounts of a test chemical to determine the dose that causes death. These tests can cause considerable pain and distress. Pain relief is not provided and at the end of a test the animals are killed, normally by asphyxiation, neck-breaking or decapitation

  More than 500 cosmetics companies—including Younique, LUSH, JASÖN and Kiss My Face—have sworn off animal testing, yet still produce new, safe and fabulous beauty products. They do so by choosing combinations of the thousands of existing cosmetic raw ingredients that have already been established as safe for human use, instead of purchasing newly developed chemicals that will also have been newly animal-tested. In addition, the safety of new product formulations made from these existing ingredients can be assured using available state-of-the-art non-animal tests. 

There is NO REASON for cosmetic companies to test on animals!

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