This isn't makeup related, but I saw a girl on Instagram posting how she hates her body, and she feels like something is wrong with her brain because she just cannot love it no matter what. She was THIN too, she looked perfect.
I told her:
I'm sorry you feel this way, I felt that way most of my life too. Your body is beautiful, and I WISH I looked even half as good as you. This year I've really learned not to focus so much of my energy on hating myself, but rather loving the parts of me that I never have before. No one is as critical of ourselves AS ourselves, and we expend so much energy seeing the negative. I promise, life is infinitely better when we just let all that negativity go, and just be comfortable with who we are. You are loved, and no one cares HOW you look, they only see YOU. Release the negativity, and I promise you'll feel lighter and happier with everything in your life.
I know I could look better, but I don't let how I look define me anymore. I love the saying "You ARE NOT fat, you HAVE fat." That what you look like doesn't define YOU.
Just stop being so negative on yourself. Please. No one cares as much about it as you do, and you will be happier times a MILLION.
Just be happy with you.
I am so proud of the Woman you have come to be. You are truly beautiful both inside and outside. I love you!